Thursday, October 20, 2011

I love every little jokes God made today

I have so many funny stories to share today, but my brain cell deterioration rate just beat me lol.
One thing for sure, 'Never sit near to the kitchen/sushi bar during sushi bonanza'. Caution : This law is applicable only in IOI's Sushi King and also to those who have a face of bangala's ideal gf hahahaha. 

So I went to this Sushi Bonanza for some cheap sushi, RM2 per plate which they are 2-3times the price in usual days. Most of the people would experience long waiting time, because people always aim for the 'paling berbaloi' Unagi & Ebi ten sushi, and precious food always comes slow. Sometimes people could not even get a plate of them because some desperate hungry ghosts would go surrounding the chef everytime they pull out a full tray of omchickenUNAGIsushi.

BUT something abnormal happened today, something very UNUSUAL.
Right when we were seated down, a waiter served on 2 plates of Unagi sushi & 2 plates of Ebi ten sushi. Before we could react to it, the 'banggala' at the kitchen actually pulled out ONE WHOLE TRAY of UNAGI sushi and asked me if I wanted more, then my face gone O_______O whatthechicken just happened?! Maybe because we were there during the non-peak hour, BUT isn't that a bit.... over?! Okay, so we nomnomnom and finally finished the 4 plates of pre-served sushi and then we aimed for other sushi. After awhile, I lifted my head to ask for more Ebi ten sushi.

Me: Errr. Boleh mintak ebi ten?
Malay girl: Nak berapa? 
Me: 2 cukup.
Malay girl: Ambik 4 lah.
Me: huh.. okay lah..
Bangala: Take 6 lah!
Bangala: Nah! Free one more for you! Lucky 7! Take one more! (our seat No.7)
Me: T_______T whatthechicken had just happened.


The ahjummas, ahjusshi, gorgor jiejie didi meimei kept staring at us, they probably questioning "What happened to the girls, why are they getting special treatment." CHICKEN. WE HAD TO PAY FOR IT PUNYER KAY?! Except that one free Ebi ten sushi ;_______; bishes.
That's yet the end of story. HE THEN AGAIN SUMBAT ANOTHER SOFTSHELLCRAB SUSHI, OUT OF NOWHERE, WITHOUT MY ORDER! holidaychicken. Dear God, having much fun watching my reaction huh? I kept rejecting it, then he INSISTED, even the malay boy who did the delivery was totally awkward. OWH FINE, I TAKE THAT. bish. my testosterone level just shot up when I saw grins/sissy smiles on that bangala'sface. Do we even looked like Bangala's dream girls? shet.

*an awkward moment when my iTunes is playing Christmas song now, oh Lord.

At the end, we had 22 plates of RICE-BASED sushi. Dear God, thanks for creating elastic tissue in my stomach. 

Secret to it? 

 Warning: Do this ONLY when the staffs are not around, and please check if there is any CCTV looking after you ;)

Real Steel is SUPER PAWESOME! MOVIE OF THE YEAR. knuffsaid.

So many more little surprises and funny stories happened today, but I am not going to make this blog into a diary, chicken says NO! ;)
