Sunday, October 09, 2011

New Furbuddies!

Welcome the arrival of my new 4 furbuddies!
I'm still undecided whether i'm going to keep them all, most probably will be putting them up for adoption though :( I really would love to keep all of them, but mum has warned me to let them go when they're bigger ;_;
2 of the kittens have really unique pattern/patches fur, although the patches look kinda messy and not in a coordinated/normal way it should be but hey that's what make them so special! you'll never mis-recognize them at one glance! i love them equally maybe the blackwhite more :P

"你的寵物對你而言是甚麼 呢?所有的生物都會老會醜,有一句話說:母不嫌子醜,癩癘頭的兒子還是自己的好。世界上,除了生身父母不會嫌棄自己小孩的容貌外,就是你的寵物了。只有人 去嫌這隻貓不夠美那隻狗不夠俊,你的貓狗是不會去因為你的高矮胖瘦以及美醜來改變對你的愛,你給他吃剩飯剩菜,它一樣愛你,你給它吃高級的飼料,它也一樣 愛你,你長的美如天仙,它也一樣愛你,你長的其醜無比,它也不會減少愛你的心,因為對你所飼養的寵物來說,你就是他的全部,其他外在的條件,都不是必要的 了."


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