Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weeks ago, I received a request from this random forum people asking me to post some articles about the Seoul backpack experience I had. Apparently he read my threads (1, 2) in Cari forum and invited me to join in his new created website. When I first read his message, I literally aksjdfhalkjdsfhlkadsjhfadsf holidaychicken! FOR REAL?!  ;____ ; But because I'm not in the mood for posting any backpack articles yet (shet that final exams coming), I told the guy to just take my articles from my threads by crediting back to me. He even offered me to be one of the co-admins (PAWESOME RIGHT?!), but I can only start on anything after I'm done with my finals. If all these fantasies are really happening, I think I will be more cautious & enthusiasm during my next backpack trip to Korea, Ha!

But whether joining in or not, please do support this first Malaysian Korea Backpack website (ithinkso)!
Click in to KIMCHINISM.COM Kamsahamnida! :D