Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Title not needed #23

chicken, I cannot put my words into sentence, my english just got worse. I wanted to say how much I care about the post I made on my tumblog that I would check the notes on time to time. When I first invaded tumblr couple of months ago, I was like 'blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa post all the chickens I like and get no likes nor reblog'. But when people start following me, I felt this sudden intense responsibility so stop posting useless stuffs lol. And therefore I am now a full-time gif contributor on tumblr *perasan. I try to make interesting post, aim to get more likes/reblogs. But of course, I'm still at the beginner phase, I shall focus on getting more followers and they would be my wind to spread my 'spores' hahahahahahaha. The highest notes uptodate, 300+ notes! :D
