Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Catmum has been spayed! :) 
The vet told that the catmum was really steady and well-behaved during the 2D1N stay over his place, I AM SO PROUD OF HER. She was all calm or maybe made a few meows then she's back to her elegant sitting position, THAT'S MA CAT! lol The vet could not believe that she was a stray cat, well taken care by me AISEHHHH hahaha. Hopefully she did not feel betrayed and ran away after she is uncaged lol
She will need to stay in the cage for another 1 or 2 weeks to prevent the surgery part having contact with any possible contaminant. Meanwhile I will just have to feed her well, but not to feed her more because cats go obesity after spay/neuter due to their sudden increase of appetite after surgery.

Well done Mao!
