Friday, October 14, 2011

Furbuddies' Day8

^ New header up!
The kittens are developing well, it's just that.. they tend to make more noise. I realized one thing though, the cat mum sometimes would 'abuse' the kitten. I'm not sure whether it was just the cat  mum trying to play with the kitten, but the kitten was crying for milkwarmthcaress(?), then suddenly she grabbed the kitten and did some back kicks. I was like WATER U DOING BISH!? I quickly freed the kitten from her mother and put back to the box. And, one more thing, i'm suspecting that the kittens are under malnutrition, because I found the cat mum spends 80% of the her time outside of the box. Everytime I push the cat mum into the box, the kittens would start crying and shouting like GIVE ME THAT DAMN MILK *exegerrates* Ah. dear cat mum, cant you be more lovingly towards your kittens?

I've uploaded the adoption details on, praying hard that the kittens are going for good homes, with lots of lots of love and care. There are a few of cat lovers have approached me regarding the adoption thingy, but nothing is confirmed, and I'm not sure when are the kittens ready for adoption :( I don't want to see the cat mum goes everywhere sniffing trying to track her kittens (like what happened 3months ago). AH I FEEL SO BAD FOR SEPARATING THE KITTENS AND THE CAT MUM. But there's nothing I can do about it, my mum will not stop nagging until the kittens are all cleared :( But I will have to convince her to allow me to keep one of the kittens. Existence of kittens around the cat mum may 'supress' the desire for another round of mating, i have to wait until the kittens are all weaned, then I can bring the cat mum for spaying operation.