Friday, September 23, 2011

Smile :)


Gyu leaddah

OH DEAR. Before this post turns into a never ending GIF post, i shall STOP HERE (resists herself from checking on more gifs)
; ________ ; no shet. I've always fall in love with guy's smile. seriously, even if you look shet when you're expressionless, a nice smile can make me to fall in love with you RIGHT AWAY!

i LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the smile lines (idkwhatstheactualnameforit), that two DEEP 팔자!
HJL made me realized how beautiful the two lines are, since then i've been observing the smiles on people around me. One sad thing though, i DO NOT HAVE that smile lines. sighs. i might consider a plastic surgery to make that 2 lines, loljk.

There's one more thing that i'm really diggin' into, DIMPLES. holidaychicken, I LOVE DIMPLES, let it be a small one or big one, I LOVE DIMPLES.


I'm not going to complain about dimples this time, because i have it too! (one-sided though, and just realized it months ago bhaha!)

Okay, i'm satisfied with this Smiling post :DDD